Sunday, April 17, 2011

I'm back....

you want to know a little more about me you say???? I'd love to tell you. My favorite thing today is play ball. I can play ball anytime, anywhere with any one.

Here I am waiting for mom to throw the ball.... sometimes it takes a little linger then others for her to get the hint. As soon as she throws it, I bring it right back and she can throw it again.... sometimes just across the room sometimes down the basement stairs.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Who is Isabella?

yup - that's me 30 lbs of craziness. I am about 3 years old. I came to live with my family about a year ago. I'm not sure why my first family left me go, but boy am I glad they did! I have a great life (don't tell them I said that). My mom treats me like a baby and even makes me all of my food - none of the dry dog food stuff for me.... - It's great! My dad loves me too, even if i really bug him sometimes. And I even have a big brother - Eman is what every big brother is - a pain, picks on me, and tries to upset me. Mom yells at him a lot to get him to let me alone(see she's a push over). I'll write more of my story a little later - have a great day!